JAMES A. DRAMESI, for extraordinary heroism in military operations against an opposing armed force while a prisoner of war in North Vietman from May 1969 to November 1969. For a full year, Colonel Dramesi planned an escape from a North Vietnamese prison camp near the edge of the city of Hanoi and escaped on the evening of 10 May 1969. Though later recaptured, this escape resulted in great embarrassment to the enemy and materially lifted the morale of all American prisoners in the camp. Though severely tortured, Colonel Dramesi refused to give information or submit to any demands. Many more brutalities were heaped upon him, and he remained in irons for six months. By his extraordinary heroism, loyalty, and discipline in the face of the enemy, Colonel Dramesi reflected the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
View Colonel Dramesi’s Airforce Cross Citation. Colonel Dramesi joined the Legion of Valor in 1973.