For extraordinary heroism while serving as Commanding Officer, Company “C”, First Battalion, First Marines during a heliborne raid against insurgent Viet Cong forces in Quang Nam Provice, Republic of Vietnam on 14 January 1967. Upon debarking in the landing zone the company encountered determined resistance from a reinforced company of Viet Cong who delivered heavy small arms, automatic weapons, and mortar fire in defense of the objective area. In a highly professional manner, Captain Carter deployed his company, suppressed the enemy fire, and after inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy, overran the objective. During the withdrawal to the landing zone for reembarkation, one platoon was pinned down by rapidly increasing Viet Cong forces. Appreciating the significance of a delay on the success of the operation, Captain Carter moved immediately to the point of crisis. Efforts to evacuate the body of a fallen comrade under intense enemy fire prevented the platoon from being withdrawn. With complete disregard for his personal safety, Captain Carter exposed himself to the heavy volume of enemy fire by crawling forward and bringing the fallen Marine to a point where he could be further evacuated. Captain Carter then covered the withdrawal of the platoon to the reembarkation site by single-handedly hurling grenades at the Viet Cong in close combat. Upon returning to the landing zone he supervised the loading of his entire company into helicopters before he himself would leave. Captain Carter’s personal valor and professional excellence assured the success of the operation. By his conspicuous gallantry and heroic action in the face of great personal risk, Captain Carter reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.