ROBERT G. RUEGG, Captain (then First Lieutenant), 8th Bombardment Squadron, 3rd Bombardment Group (L), Air Corps, United States Army, For extraordinary heroism in action near Port Moresby, New Guinea, from April 1 to April 14, 1942. While acting as Squadron Commander from April 1 to April 14, 1942, Lieutenant Ruegg lad his squadron without fighter protection on four highly successful raids on enemy airdromes, and in spite of violent enemy fighter opposition, was able to destroy eighteen enemy airplanes and to cause heavy damage to installation and runway without undue losses to the squadron. Through the repeated courageous leadership of Lieutenant Ruegg, personnel and installations of the Port Moresby area were afforded increased protection from enemy air raids at a time when such aid was critically needed.
Gen. Ruegg resides in Texas.