GENERAL ROBERT C. KINGSTON who was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations in the Republic of Vietnam. During the period 22 November 1966 […]
Citations in Army:
Paul S Kinsey
Lt. Kinsey was cited for extraordinary heroism in action on 9 June 1944 near Amfreville, France. Mr. Kinsey resided in Ohio.
Raymond M Kirkland
Staff Sergeant Raymond M. Kirkland, Company “F”, 320th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division, United States Army. For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy. On 8 […]
Gerry H Kisters
Mr. Kisters earned both his Medal of Honor and his DSC for actions in WWII in Sicily and Tunisia. He was the first soldier to win the two awards in […]
Gerry H Kisters
Mr. Kisters earned both his Medal of Honor and his DSC for actions in WWII in Sicily and Tunisia. He was the first soldier to win the two awards in […]
COL John Kizirian
For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations involving conflict with an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam: Lieutenant Colonel Kizirian distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on […]
Irving Klein
Mr. Klein was a LIFE MEMBER and resided in Southern California.
George J Klier
Mr. Klier resided in California.
LTC Vernon L Klinger
LTC VERNON L. KLINGER (then First Lieutenant), received the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in the Republic of Vietnam while leading a four-man Pathfinder team near Dak To. His […]
Aloysius Kmiotek
Mr. Kmiotek was a LIFE MEMBER of the Legion of Valor and resided in New York.