Mr. Eisenhart was a life member.
Citations in Branch:
LCDR Frank J Eisenhart
LCDR EISENHART was awarded his Navy Cross while serving as a dive bomber pilot aboard the USS Essex during the Battle for Leyte. Commander Eisenhart was a LIFE MEMBER of […]
James D Eisenhour
James D. Eisenhour, United States Army: distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action while flying as an aircraft commander of a UH-1H helicopter against hostile forces near Hiep Hoa, Republic […]
CMDR Arthur G Elder
LT. ARTHUR G. ELDER, United States Navy, as CO. of a Navy search liberator attached to PatBomRon 117 during action against Japanese forces at Saigon Harbor, French Indochina on 25 […]
CPT Donald T Eller
CAPTAIN DONALD TEMPLE ELLER for extraordinary heroism as Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. BURNS during a War Patrol of that vessel in enemy Japanese-controlled waters. Skillfully maneuvering his vessel to […]
James C Elling
JAMES C. ELLING, was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his extraordinary heroism while serving as a Private First Class, with A. Company, 15th Infantry, 3rd Infantry Division. On 30 […]
LTC Artice W Elliott
Lieutenant Colonel Artice W. Elliott was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross posthumouosly for his extraordinary heroism while a major serving as Senior Advisor to the 3rd Battalion, 42nd Infantry Regiment, […]
COL Charles A Ellis
Colonel Ellis was a LIFE MEMBER of the Legion of Valor and resided in Texas.
GEN Richard A Ellis
GENERAL RICHARD A. ELLIS, Vice Chief of Staff, United States Air Force, General Ellis,(then a colonel), received the Distinguished Service Cross for his extraordinary heroism in action on 5 April […]
Walter Ellison
No citation currently on file.