No citation currently on file.
Citations in Distinguished Service Cross:
LTC John G Finke
Lt.Colonel JOHN G. FINKE, received the Distinguished Service Cross for his extraordinary heroism in Sicily in August, 1943. When a platoon of Captain Finke’s company was flanking an enemy position, […]
John J Finn
Mr. Finn was a life member and resided in Florida.
Peter Finucane
No citation currently on file. Mr. Finucane resided in New York.
COL Harold E Fischer
COLONEL HAROLD E. FISCHER (then Captain), distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations as Pilot of an F-86 aircraft, […]
CAPT Lewis B Fisher
Captain Fisher was a LIFE MEMBER and resided in Kansas.
CPT Russell S Fisher
Captain RUSSELL S. FISHER received his Distinguished Service Cross while a member of the 61st Infantry in World War I. CPT. Fisher was a LIFE MEMBER of the Legion of […]
MG Alva R Fitch
Major General ALVA R. FITCH was stationed in the Philippine Islands on the outbreak of World War II. He commanded a separate Pack Artillery battery in support of General Wainwright’s […]
CAPT George T Fleet
Captain GEORGE T. FLEET recieved the Distinguished Service Cross for Extraordinary heroism for actions amid showers of machine gun bullets and artillery shells of all calibers at Berzy-le-Sec, France, 21 […]