No citation currently on file. General Martin was a LIFE MEMBER of the Legion of Valor and resided in Pennsylvania. View General Martin’s Oak Leaf Cluster citation.
Citations in Distinguished Service Cross:
Henry F Martin
No citation currently on file. Mr. Martin was a LIFE MEMBER of the Legion of Valor and resided in Florida.
COL Kenneth R Martin
Colonel Kenneth R. Martin U.S. Air Force was presented with the Distinguished Service Cross because of his extraordinary heroism in aerial combat over Germany on 14 September 1944. Unfortunately, the […]
Oscar E Martin
No citation currently on file.
COL Forrest L Martz
Colonel Martz was a Life Member.
R S Marx
R. S. MARX received his Distinguished Service Cross while a member of the 357th Infantry, 90th Division in World War I. Mr. Marx resided in Ohio.
Otto Masny
OTTO MASNY was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in assaulting the cliffs at Pointe Du Hoc, Normandy and Hill 400 at Bergstein, Germany.
COL Francis W Mason
COL. Mason was a life member of the Legion of Valor.
COL William Massello Jr
Col. William Massello, Jr., during the battle for Corregidor, while critically wounded and under continuing heavy fire, he directed artillery fire on the enemy and assisted his men in their […]
Maurice L Mathey
Mr. Maurice L. Mathey received the Distinguished Service Cross for his extraordinary heroism north of Soissons, France, on 1 September 1918. He was then a private with Company F, 128th […]