For extraordinary heroism while serving as an Anti-Tank Missileman, Mobile Assault Platoon 4, Weapons Company, SecondBattalionEightMarines,RegimentalCombatTeam1,IMarineExpeditionary Force (Forward) in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM on 22 April 2008. While Corporal […]
Citations in Navy Cross:
ENSIGN Edward C Zacek
Ensign EDWARE C. ZACEK, U.S.N.R. Awarded the NAVY CROSS for extraordinary heroism as Boat Wave Commander during the amphibious assault at Salerno, Italy, September 9, 1943. Undeterred by fierce opposition, […]
CAPT Harry J Zinser
CAPTAIN HARRY J. ZINSER, (then Lieutenant), United States Naval Reserve. For extraordinary heroism in action on the night of 6 August and early morning of 7 August 1972 while serving […]
Chester Zymros
CHESTER ZYMROS, received the Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism as member of a demolition party attached to the U.S.S. CHEROKEE during the assault on and occupation of french Morocco from […]
Chester Zymroz
No citation currently on file.