MAJ Louis A Mari

Major Mari received the Distinguished Service Cross in recognition of his extraordinary heroism during the period 9-12 March 1966 while serving as a first lieutenant and executive officer at Camp […]

Lawrence B Marion

LAWRENCE B. MARION, received the Distinguished Sevice Cross for extraordinary heroism in action near Sanananda, New Guinea on December 24, 1942 when he advanced through heavy machine gun fire and […]

Karl A Marlantes

For extraordinary heroism while serving as Executive Officer of Company C, First Battalion, Fourth Marines, Third Marine Division, in connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. […]

Wilbur L Marsh

WILBER L. MARSH, for extraordinary heroism while serving as company corpsman with the First Marine Raider Battalion during an engagement with enemy Japanese forces on Guadal-canal, Solomon Islands, on the […]