CAPTAIN DONALD TEMPLE ELLER for extraordinary heroism as Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. BURNS during a War Patrol of that vessel in enemy Japanese-controlled waters. Skillfully maneuvering his vessel to […]
Citations in Medals:
James C Elling
JAMES C. ELLING, was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his extraordinary heroism while serving as a Private First Class, with A. Company, 15th Infantry, 3rd Infantry Division. On 30 […]
LTC Artice W Elliott
Lieutenant Colonel Artice W. Elliott was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross posthumouosly for his extraordinary heroism while a major serving as Senior Advisor to the 3rd Battalion, 42nd Infantry Regiment, […]
COL Charles A Ellis
Colonel Ellis was a LIFE MEMBER of the Legion of Valor and resided in Texas.
GEN Richard A Ellis
GENERAL RICHARD A. ELLIS, Vice Chief of Staff, United States Air Force, General Ellis,(then a colonel), received the Distinguished Service Cross for his extraordinary heroism in action on 5 April […]
Walter Ellison
No citation currently on file.
Theodore R Ellsworth
THEODORE R. ELLSWORTH was a veteran of both the British and American armies in World War II, and served as a line infantry officer under Montgomery and Patton. Mr. Ellsworth […]
SFC Eldon J Elthon
SERGEANT FIRST CLASS ELDON J. ELTHON, United States Army. Sergeant Elthon, a member of an infantry company, distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action against the enemy in the vicinity […]
LTG Henry E Emerson
Lieutenant General Henry E. Emerson, U.S. Army, another of a few who have received more than one award of the Nation’s second highest decoration for extraordinary heroism was first granted […]
LTCMDR William S Emerson
LCDR WILLIAM S. EMERSON. (then Lieutenant) United States Navy. For extraordinary heroism as a Pilot with Bombing Squadron 19 embarked in USS LEXINGTON in operations against enemy Japanese forces during […]