Robert Hansen, DSC, died in July, 2014 in Moscow, ID. On 12 November 1944, during furious fighting near Many, France, his tank destroyer was disabled by enemy fire. Locating the […]
Citations in Medals:
CAPT Eugene R Hanson
CAPT. Hanson resides in Florida. View CPT Hanson’s Gold Star citation.
COL Raymond W Hanson
Col. Hanson had been a member of the Legion of Valor since 1946.
MAJ Sidney Hantman
Major Hantman, a LIFE MEMBER, was the Legion of Valor National Commander 1968-1969. He resided in Maryland.
COL John E Harbert
COLONEL JOHN E. HARBERT, (then First Lieutenant), Ordnance Department, Headquarters 32nd Division, United States Army. For extraordinary heroism in action near Cape Sudest, New Guinea, on November 16, 1942. When […]
COL David L Hardee
Colonel Hardee was the Legion of Valor National Commander 1957-1958 and a LIFE MEMBER. He resided in North Carolina.
SGT William C Hardie
Mr. Hardie was a LIFE MEMBER of the Legion of Valor and resided in Montana.
COL James C Harding
Major James C. Harding for extraordinary heroism in military operations against an opposing armed force as an A-1 Tactical Fighter Pilot in Southeast Asia from 10 April 1972 to 13 […]
COL Felix M Hardison
COLONEL. FELIX M. HARDISON, received the Distinguished Service Cross for his extraordinary heroism in action near Milne Bay, New Guinea, on 26 August 1942 during a Japanese seaborne assault. Although […]