No citation currently on file. Mr. Frary a LIFE MEMBER resided in Southern California.
Citations in World War I 1914-1918:
COL William F Freehoff
No citation currently on file. Colonel Freehoff resided in Northern California.
J Whiting Friel
J. WHITING FRIEL, entered military service with Company K, 145th Infantry, 37th Division, Ohio National Guard during World War I. As a corporal of Company K, he was awarded the […]
CAPT Oscar C Frundt
No citation currently on file. Captain Frundt was a LIFE MEMBER of the Legion of Valor and resided in New Jersey.
DR Harold A Furlong
1LT. HAROLD A. FURLONG, U.S. Army, 353d Infantry, 89th Division, Near Bantheville, France, 1 November 1918. Immediately after the opening of the attack in the Bois-de-Bantheville, when his company was […]
Ted Gariepy
No citation currently on file. Mr. Gariepy resided in Michigan.
Othel J Gee MD
Doctor Gee resided in Oklahoma and was the Legion of Valor National Commander 1953-1954.