No citation currently on file. Mr. Burdick was a LIFE MEMBER of the Legion of Valor and resided in Southern California.
Citations in World War I 1914-1918:
LTC Edward N Burns
Lieutenant Colonel EDWARD N. BURNS was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism for hand-to-hand combat with the enemy in World War I. LTC. Burns resided in Pennsylvania.
Herman L Bush
No citation currently on file. Mr. Bush was a LIFE MEMBER and resided in Massachusetts.
Smedley D Butler
For distinguished conduct in battle, engagement of Vera Cruz, 22 April 1914. Major Butler was eminent and conspicuous in command of his battalion. He exhibited courage and skill in leading […]
Robert S Cain
ROBERT S. CAIN received the Distinguished Service Cross while a member of the 111th Infantry, 28th Division in World War I. Mr. Cain resided in Pennsylvania.
Fred F Campanaro
No citation currently on file. Mr. Campanaro was a Life Member and resided in New York.
Alexander Campbell
Mr. Campbell was a LIFE MEMBER and resided in New York.
Willis Moser Campbell Sr
WILLIS MOSER CAMPBELL, while serving near Brieulles-sur-Meuse, France, 29 September 1918, Sgt. Campbell brought great credit to himself, his unit and the U.S. Army while serving with Company B, 59th […]
Ralph A Capen
Mr. Capen resided in Illinois.
Louis Cappadocio
No citation currently on file. Mr. Cappadocio resided in New York.