HYMAN M. GOLDBERG, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps. For extraordinary heroism in action on 6 April 1943 against enemy shipping off the coast of Tunisia. On a high altitude bombardment mission, the plane of which he was bombardier was attacked before it reached the target and a 20mm cannon shell struck him, exploded and wounded him critically. Unwilling to forsake his mission, he demanded to be lifted to his bomb sight. He found his target, dropped his bombs and effected his mission skillfully with great less loss to enemy ships. On the return journey, he declined personal aid in order that the utmost attention might be given enemy fighters in pursuit. In this action, Lieutenant Goldberg, heroically overcoming pain, suffering and physical weakness due to his wounds, summoned his whole skill and, thoughtless of peril, devoted himself to his single mission. His determined perseverance in important service inspires other soldiers to new effort and merits the highest praise.