Joseph A Terzi

Joseph A TerziFor extraordinary heroism and distinguished service while serving as Commanding Officer of Company K, Third Battalion, First Marines, FIRST Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Cape Gloucester, New Britain Island, on 26 December 1943. Realizing that the nature of the terrain made a powerful frontal assault necessary when his right assault company was stopped by concentrated enemy rifle and machine-gun fire, Captain Terzi notified his battalion commanding officer of the situation, then boldly led his men in a savage frontal attack, fighting valiantly until he was killed by Japanese fire, By his able strategy and determined aggressiveness, Captain Terzi inspired his men to carry through the assault with much splendid and heroic effort that all enemy resistance was completely destroyed. His forceful initiative, steady courage in a time of great peril and his unwavering devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

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