LIEUTENANT COLONEL KARL T. FEUERRIEGEL for extraordinary heroism in military operations against an opposing armed force as a Forward Air Controller at Nha Trang, Republic of Vietnam, on 30 January 1968. On that date, in conjunction with the Tet Offensive, a large, well-equipped hostile force entered the city, intent on overrunning military installations and releasing a large contingent of hostile captives from the local prison. The hostiles entrenched positions prevented reinforcements from reaching the battle areas where friendly forces were in dire need of support. Colonel Feuerriegel, despite great personal risk from heavy automatic weapons fire, repeatedly attacked hostile positions in an O-2 aircraft armed with high explosive rockets. He systematically silenced three machine gun positions and neutralized two fortified hostile companies, thereby preventing the annihilation of beleaguered friendly units. Through his extraordinary heroism, superb airmanship, and aggressiveness, Colonel Feuerriegel reflected the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.