Major General Lloyd R. Moses was presented with a Distinguished Service Cross for his extraordinary heroism while regimental commander of the 31st Infantry Regiment in action against the enemy in the vicinty of Khumwha, Korea. On 15 October 1952, Colonel Moses moved forward from an outpost to join a battalion of the regiment which had assaulted and secured the crest of an important hill. He advanced unhesitatingly through a heavy barrage of enemy mortar and artillery fire to reach the newly won position. Sniper and automatic weapons fire was directed at Colonel Moses as he moved across open terrain, but he succeeded in arriving at the position to supervise personally the disposition of troops and weapons. Under his superb leadership, the units of his command repulsed several enemy counter-attacks. His courage and determination, coupled with his sincere concern for the welfare of his men, were an inspiration to the entire friendly force. The extraordinary heroism exhibited by Colonel Moses on his occasion reflects great credit on himself and is in keeping with the finest traditions of the military service.
MG. Moses joined the Legion of Valor in 1975 and resided in South Dakota.