Ensign NOAH B. BUTT, JR. U.S. Naval Reserve received the Navy Cross for distinguishing himself by extraordinary heroism in the line of his profession. Ensign Butt, as one of a group of plane pilots, boldly attacked a large task force of the Japanese Imperial Navy in a Southwest Pacific Area. The strike was made without the aid of other craft and in the face of intense barrage of enemy fire. The smallness of their numbers rendered each plane a conspicuous target yet despite the overwhelming odds. Ensign Butt lashed the enemy force with a grim determination and with utter disregard for his personal safety. The strike in which he participated so valiantly, resulted in diverting an enormous quantity of enemy fire that would have been hurled at other planes which followed. His action greatly enhanced the success of the enemy attacks in which severe damage was inflicted upon enemy ships of the enemy fleet. His conduct throughout was in keeping with the highest traditions of the Navy of the United States.
Mr. Butt resides in Florida.