MAJ Robert E Turner

MAJ Robert E TurnerMAJOR ROBERT E. TURNER distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force as an A-1E pilot in Southeast Asia on 6 January 1967. On that date, Major Turner diverted his flight to the immediate support of a remote but vital outpost being overrun by hostile ground forces. He descended through 2,500 feet of solid clouds in poorly mapped mountainous terrain and made repeated attacks against entrenched hostile forces. In spite of intense and accurate automatic weapons fire and repeated hits upon his aircraft, Major Turner continued his attacks until his ordnance was exhausted and fuel was critically low. His actions forced the hostile forces to break off their assault and saved the friendly forces from certain defeat. Through his extraordinary heroism, superb airmanship, and aggressiveness, Major Turner reflected the highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Major Turner joined the Legion of Valor in 2004 and resides in Alabama.