LTC Vernon L Klinger

LTC Vernon L KlingerLTC VERNON L. KLINGER (then First Lieutenant), received the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in the Republic of Vietnam while leading a four-man Pathfinder team near Dak To. His team was inserted into enemy-held Landing Zone Yankee as advance guard for troops to be inserted later. When the helicopter carrying the team landed it immediately came under volleys of hostile fire wounding the crew chief and killing the pilot and two Vietnamese scouts. As Lieutenant Klinger led his team out of the helicopter into the volleys of automatic weapons fire, he observed four enemy charging the craft and eliminated them with rifle fire. As the damaged helicopter lifted out of the landing zone, Lieutenant Klinger led his greatly outnumbered men to a nearby bomb crater. He and his team killed four more enemy soldiers enroute to the crater. Using the short respite this rapid maneuver had gained, Lieutenant Klinger positioned his men to cover all sides of the crater. As the enemy drew the trap tighter, he was wounded in the leg by hand grenade fragments, but he continued to fire his rifle and radioed for helicopter gunship support. Frequently during the next hour, Lieutenant Klinger exposed himself to the enemy fire to direct better the gunship and tactical fighter-bomber strikes against the determined attackers. His guidance was so precise that 750-pound bombs impacted only fifty meters from his position. Twice the team was given up for dead by crews of the aircraft overhead, but Lieutenant Klinger continued to inspire his team to repel the enemy. When reinforcements arrived, he directed his men in providing suppressive fire for the troop helicopters. With the arrival of the reinforcements the enemy withdrew, leaving the bodies of forty-one dead around the crater defended by the team. Lieutenant Klinger’s heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service.

LTC. Klinger a life member resided in Washington state. He joined the Legion of Valor in 1973.

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